Lennie the Leadbeater's Possum has completely devoured all the apples on their current favourite tree - can you help them find their next meal? Climb trees and glide over fences to find your way to your prize!

This game was made for Round 2 of the Salty Studios Game Dev Co. (SSGDC) game development challenge, where a game is to be created with a given objective in a short timeframe! The objective for this Round was to make a short, simple 2D platformer. If you missed Round 1, you can find it here.

In Round 2 we have decided to throw away the goal of each Round being 1 week, as it was far too ambitious given time constraints ðŸ˜…

Please let me know your thoughts on the game below! The whole point of this exercise is to get better, so all constructive feedback welcome :)

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