In Midnight Echoes, you are a Bottlenose Dolphin who must echolocate their next meal! Through the power of your clicks and your fins, navigate the pitch-black depths to find your next feed.

This is an audio-only game, so please have your computer sound enabled before starting the game. Best played with headphones, as this will give you the full echolocation experience!

In the first round of the first stage, your food will be a few metres directly in front of you - use this knowledge to understand what your food should "sound" like in order to help you navigate the following rounds!

Note that the game requires a lot of trial and error to figure out where you need to go, so don't be afraid to try things and then check the results! The changes in volume can be subtle but are very meaningful, so you'll need to practice understanding how the sounds relate to location.


  • Up/left/down/right or W/A/S/D: Spin around
    • Remember that you're a dolphin in the ocean - concepts like "what direction am I facing" and "what is Up" don't matter so much - all that matters is whether you're facing your food!
  • Control or E: Echolocate
  • I: Repeat the instructions

This game was made for Round 3 of the Salty Studios Game Dev Co. (SSGDC) game development challenge, where a game is to be created with a given objective in a short timeframe! The objective for this Round was to make a game which can be played without seeing anything. If you missed any previous rounds, you can find them here.

Please try it out and let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!

Development log

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